How To Order...

Make your selection

  • Pick out the article you want - Southwester long coat, Oh My jacket, EveryWear jacket-vest, shawl, ear warmer, weathered-wood mirror, etc.
  • Pick the fabric(s) that appeal to you, and the type of buttons (if appropriate).
  • Don't forget to check the Rack Stock to see if there is an already-made item that you'd like to choose.

Sizing & Measurements

Ideally, we'd like to have measurements (see the Order Form). But if that is not practical for you, then give us the best information you can in terms of height, weight, body type, and shirt and pants sizes that you wear. If in doubt, call us and we'll talk with you to find out what we need to fit you!

Send your order and payment.

We can discuss any aspect of your order, or questions you may have via telephone and/or email. We'll provide appropriate instructions for the order and for payment (check or money order) at that time.

Telephone: 970-323-6721

Shipping and Delivery.

We ship by regular US Mail unless otherwise arranged. All shipping and handling costs are already included in the price of the items you order, except for rugs and the weathered-wood frame items, where shipping has to be computed on a case-basis.

Because we handcraft everything ourselves, we will tell you when you can expect delivery at the time you place your order. Typically, we can make and ship within a couple of weeks, but not always.



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